Re: [ Creed Discuss ] 12stones cancelling creed tour dates? Jen?

From: "NightStorm" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Fri
25 Oct 2002 08:34:24 -0400

    Well, just think about it for a sec.  You're a hot up-and-coming band quickly building a kickass fanbase.  You're getting nothing but great reviews from both concert goers and people meeting you after shows.  You've got a great opportunity to do a North American tour with your label-mate who promises to get you lots of great shows...
    And then your tour-mates go and cancel entire blocks at a time, postponing shows on 12 hours notice, and generally fucking up your reputation with your fans because you can't perform at the shows you promised to be at.
    Would you continue the tour, or would you say "fuck this shit" and go back to your home state and families and plan a real tour with people that won't screw you around?
    Sorry for the bluntness, but this really fucked up my plans for the rest of the year.
    Time for a little fanfic of my own.
*** Fade to backstage following the Olympics Performance in Atlanta, 2002... Mark and Scott sitting around the snacks table trying to warm their hands ***
    "Scott, look man... your throat is terrible... and your voice is going fast.  You need to start taking better care of yourself, or you're going to destroy this tour for everyone."
    Scott looked at Mark with a gaze that would freeze fire.
    "Mark, you worry about your own problems... like how you're going to still play with that broken fingernail... I'll take care of my own *hack hack cough wheeze* problems.  I'll be fine.  I'm perfect.  I'm God."
*** Fade into the doctors office, later in the tour ***
    "Mr.Stapp, your suffering from acute laryngitis due to bacterial infection.  You MUST rest your throat, or else you'll never be able to perform to your normal standards again!" exclaimed the Doctor, for the umpteenth time since Scott began touring several years prior.
    "Look... you do your job, and you let me do mine!  I'm going to continue this tour, and I'm not going to hold back just because some crackpot doctor says I'm sick!!" retorted a very pissed off Scott, as he stormed out of the Doctors office.
*** Fade ahead 2 weeks ***
<<< This Is An MTV2 Special Report >>> "Creed has yet again disappointed it's fans by canceling for the third time on this tour alone.  Weathered, their third album, has skyrocketed up the charts, and given us 3 smash hits since it's release late last year.  This tour was to be their most spectacular one to date... but unfortunately, their singer Scott (tagged the group leader) chose to not heed doctor warnings, and has unfortunately fallen victim to his own delusions.  Picking up their skipped tour dates is label-mates 12 Stones, who were featured on the Scorpion King Soundtrack with former touring mates Creed... with the release of the singles 'Broken' and 'My Life', 12 Stones are sure to become the next Rock Gods.  In this reporters opinion, I only have one thing to say... 'Creed who'?"
Okay... time to go get the place ready for Dustin's birthday.  Just thought I would pass along my thoughts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kimberly Reid" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] 12stones cancelling creed tour dates? Jen?

> A lot of posters to the BBs agree with your assessment, Scott.  Some of them
> even claim to actually KNOW that is the reason.  But I found no definitive
> sources anywhere, either.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "NightStorm" <>
> > My guess is that the band (12S) Finally got pissed off with all the
> > rescheduling and cancellations, and decided it would be more worth their
> > while to do something more constructive with their time.
> > Personally, I'm surprised they waited this long.  If they plan a tour with
> a
> > band, wouldn't it be reasonable that they would get to actually tour?
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